Kovács Richárd a 2021-es Bocskai győztese Gyorsan, háromszor három perc után kiderült, hogy lesz magyar győztes az idei Bocskain: Kovács Richárd megnyerte az első döntőt, a férfi 63 kg fináléját. Három győztes meccsen már túl volt a debreceni ringben, és a mieink közül egyértelműen ő mutatta a legkiegyensúlyozottabb formát. A grúz Lasa Gurulit a három...Read More
Italian boxer Irma Testa won the prestigious competition, 65th Memorial of Istvan Bocskai in Debrecen, on Friday. In the final, she defeated Hungarian boxer, Szabina Szucs, with a unanimous decision. After the bout, she described her feelings about being back to the ring. “I feel much better, and I am happy to come back and...Read More
AIBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev met with the President of the Hungarian Olympic Committee, a two-time Olympic silver medalist in fencing, Mr. Krisztián Kulcsár. Mr. Kremlev expressed gratitude to Mr. Kulcsár for the organization of good training conditions for athletes and holding the international tournaments at the highest level in the country, as well as...Read More
AIBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev visited Hungary and met with the State Secretary of Sport in the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources Mrs. Dr. Tünde Szabó and the president of the Hungarian Boxing Association Dr. Istvan Bajkai. During the meeting, Mr. Kremlev underlined that Hungarian boxing has deep traditions. “Hungary has a rich history of...Read More