Famous Serbian actor Miloš Biković becomes the first Ambassador of the AIBA Men’s World Boxing Championships which takes place in the city of Belgrade in November 2021. The appointment was declared at the meeting between the President of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vučić and the AIBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev with heads of the Balkan boxing federations....Read More
The International Boxing Association (AIBA) took note of the decision of the IOC Boxing Taskforce to cancel the World Qualifying Tournament and to postpone the European Qualifiers. AIBA, as the organization that manages boxing for 75 years, has always protected and will continue to protect the interests of athletes and coaches, regardless of its Olympic...Read More
A solemn ceremony of signing the Declaration of the Balkan Boxing League foundation took place in Belgrade. The meeting was attended by AIBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev and representatives of the national boxing federations of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro. ‘The Balkan League is created to strengthen regional and international...Read More
Hosszú utat tett meg a magyar ökölvívás a 2018-as ifi-vb csődje óta – most pedig akár olimpiai kvalifikációs tornát, AIBA-kongresszust és világbajnokságot is rendezhetünk. A Magyar Ökölvívó-szakszövetség (MÖSZ) és a sportág nemzetközi szövetsége (AIBA) egyaránt arra a bokszolóra emlékeztet, akire egyszer már számoltak, de nem adja fel, és igyekszik a maga javára fordítani a meccset....Read More
A 65. Bocskai István emlékverseny versenybíróságának elnöke ezúttal is a Magyar Ökölvívó Szakszövetség Bíró Bizottságának elnöke, Juhász Roland volt. Munkáját nagyban segítette Sinkóné Ács Erika, Takács Boglárka, Sinkó Zoltán, Nagy Ferenc, Salamon László, Serfőző Attila, Simon Zoltán, Takács Péter és Kádár Sándor. A Bocskai István emlékverseny a koronavírus járvány ellenére is zökkenőmentesen zajlott, amely a...Read More
The President of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vučić accepted a proposal of the AIBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev to become the chairman of the 2021 Belgrade AIBA World Boxing Championships local organizing committee. The meeting between the two leaders and heads of the Balkan boxing federations took place today in Belgrade. ‘I am happy to meet...Read More
During his visit to the International Boxing Tournament ‘Adriatic Pearl’ AIBA President, Mr. Umar Kremlev held an official meeting with presidents of National Federations of Balkan countries. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the interaction between the National Federations of the Balkan countries and AIBA. The session was attended by the President of...Read More